
Leon Bart Financial Services


Reap the benefits of decades of hard work. Spend time on your hobbies, do community work or travel. To succeed, you need to save while you’re young.


If you’re starting your first job the last thing you want to be thinking about is saving for your retirement which could be 40 or 50 years from now. The thing is, it’s the perfect time to start. The more time you have on your side, the more opportunity your money has to work and grow for you. So, the best time to start saving for your retirement is when you land your first permanent job. The second best time to start is now.


Expect to live longer. With the current advances (not to mention future ones) in technology and medicine you can expect to live longer. That means you’ll need to make provision for an additional 20 - 25 years if you are planning to retire at age 65. On the upside you should be debt-free i.e. you don’t have to worry about car or bond repayments and university fees. On the downside you do need to take care of your health. With ageing comes many unwanted ailments. Having enough medical cover to keep you comfortable is essential in South Africa. Now imagine reaching your retirement age without having saved adequately and ending up on a state pension of R1780 per month. From this amount, groceries, electricity, utilities and other expenses need to be paid.

… imagine reaching your retirement age without having saved adequately and ending up on a state pension of R1780-R1800 per month.


Most times cash is king but not when it comes to investing for your retirement. You want your money to grow at an inflation-beating rate (because inflation is your investment’s number one enemy). That means investing it in a retirement annuity so that you can benefit from compound interest and growth. Combine that with time (the number of years until you retire) and you have a winning combination. The more time your money has to grow the more you should have when you’re ready to say goodbye to your job.


How much is enough for retirement in South Africa? The million Rand question, or in most cases quite a few million. Most experts put the number at between 70 -80% of your current income. So, if you’re earning R40 000 per month then you’ll need between R28 000 to R32 000 per month when you retire.

The primary and most tax efficient way to invest for your retirement is to participate (by investing the maximum percentage of your salary that you can) in your company’s pension scheme and/or invest in a Retirement Annuity.

Other ways of supplementing your retirement savings – once you contribute your allowable 27,5% of your gross remuneration (limited to R350 000) to a pension fund or RA  – is by investing in tax free savings accounts, a second property or a share portfolio.


Leon Bart is able to offer you expertise gathered over the years to structure a retirement solution that’s right for you.

Leon Bart offers you solid, steady returns to help you meet your retirement goals.

Our fund managers (they're the ones that invest your money) invest their own money in the funds they manage. Now that’s commitment for you.

Personal Financial Solutions

Leon Bart offers investment products, life and disability cover, funeral plans, short term insurance, financial advice and loans. Leon Bart also offers business-to-business solutions, such as asset management and employee benefits.

Saving & Investing

For the future or for something special


Saving for your children’s education


Securing your future financially

Life Insurance

Life insurance that offers peace of mind

Funeral Cover

Covering unforeseen funeral costs


Personalised disability & severe illness cover